Title: An Anonymous Girl
Author: Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen
Genre: Mystery Thriller
Published: January 8, 2019
Pages: 375
The Carpenter Confessions Rating: ★★★★☆
An Anonymous Girl, by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen was a thriller that made you feel creeped out from the beginning. This book makes you want to be aware of your surroundings and make you question who you can really trust in this world. Everyone has secrets, but which ones do you share and which do you wish remained secrets? This book can only be described as unsettling. I read this in two days, I couldn’t put it down even if I tried.
An Anonymous Girl takes place in New York and has two different POV’s, both told in first person. The main character portrayed in this book is Jessica Farris. Jessica is a makeup artist and while she was working with one of her clients, she overheard her talk about a survey where you get paid to answer a few questions. Sneaking the phone number to get in contact with whoever is doing this survey, Jesssica signs up to do a psychological study with our other POV Dr. Shields. Jessica doesn’t realize what she is getting into and soon realizes what a mistake she has made. After the first session Jessica’s paranoia grows and she starts feeling as though she is being watched and questions who she can trust anymore. Is someone really watching Jessica or is the survey getting in her head? While this is going on, Jessica and Dr. Shields get rather close and soon Jessica is getting pulled into Dr. Shields manipulating tendencies. From getting told what to wear, given expensive gifts, and running secret errands, Jessica feels she has gotten herself into something she isn’t sure she can get out of. Will she be able to get out or is she stuck being Dr. Shield’s puppet?
An Anonymous Girl was very interesting to read because it had the psychological aspect of thinking and you question a lot about what's within the book. Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen did an excellent job at making you analyze the story yourself. The tone of the book felt mysterious because you never could guess what Dr. Shields would have in store. It’s frightening to think that these things happen in real life and you can get yourself caught up in something that turns out to be dangerous.
I gave this a four star because I felt like it wasn’t very fast paced and it felt slow at certain points in the story. It took awhile to get to the climax of the book and I prefer thrillers that keep me intrigued the whole time and not feel like I’m getting bored. I think I felt this way because for a thriller it wasn’t very scary/mysterious as much as it just felt creepy. However, when it was fast paced, it was really good so I can’t complain too much. I would recommend this book for someone who likes a thriller that isn’t as scary as it is interesting from a psychological standpoint.