Title: Darling Rose Gold
Author: Stephanie Wrobel
Genre: Fiction, Thriller
Published: March 07, 2020
Pages: 320
The Carpenter Confessions Rating: ★★★/5
Darling Rose Gold was completely insane! It takes you through some crazy events that just blow your mind. It was not as good as I was hoping, but it was definitely worth the read because it has some interesting mother daughter dynamics.
Rose Gold and her mother Patty were really close until some secrets were revealed. Patty has Munchausen by Proxy, which means someone wants to make someone appear sick when in reality they are not, and Rose Gold is a direct result of it. She lives her life in and out of the hospital, in a wheelchair, has a feeding tube and much much more. Once Rose Gold turns eighteen, she turns her mom in for child abuse, which leaves Patty in jail for five years. Rose Gold lives her life the way she wants while her mom doesn’t have her under her control. Five years later, Patty is out and she is determined to rekindle her and Rose Gold's relationship and living with her is just the first step.
Stephanie Wrobel did an amazing job writing this story. While I did feel it was like the Gypsy Rose story, she made it her own and it was really interesting. She developed Patty and Rose Golds characters so well, by the end I felt I knew them and nothing they did surprised me. Filled with ups and downs and endings that will leave you shook.
The reason I felt Darling Rose Gold was a three out of five stars is because I felt it was super similar to the Gypsy Rose’s story. It felt somewhat like a spinoff version and I didn’t really like that. However, it did have its own story, which was really good and I don’t regret reading it. The other thing is I didn’t love how the story was set up. It went through the five years of Rose Gold's life and real time with Patty. While it was written well, I wished it was more real time with flashbacks. Overall, it was a good book and interesting to see how people can manipulate others.