Title: Eight Perfect Murders
Author: Peter Swanson
Genre: Mystery Thriller, Contemporary Fiction
Published: March 3, 2020
Pages: 270
The Carpenter Confessions Rating: ★★★☆☆
Eight Perfect Murders was a very interesting book. Having a list of books that have eight perfect murders and having them play out exactly like the books, definitely brings something new to a story. There was a lot of surprise that changed the whole story, even when you are half way through the book.
I enjoyed Eight Perfect Murders, but it wasn’t the best thriller that I have read. There were a lot of interesting parts of the story and I liked how there is a “copycat” of sorts that is trying to frame the main character Mal. The mystery behind how the murders took place and how it was like the books, but not exactly, brought a different twist to figuring out who the murder is. I really liked how the story was told as a memoir and how there were flashbacks, but I was left wanting more. It felt very slow and repetitive, it didn’t bring any suspense that I was looking for. It also reminded me of the book/show YOU and I didn’t really like how similar it was. I felt I was reading that story and character, just a few books later.
I gave this three stars because while I enjoyed some aspects of the book, I was left not impressed. I wish it was more original and involved some more of the murders first hand. It’s not a book I would recommend, but I don’t regret reading it.