Title: Good Girl
Author: Mary Kubica
Genre: Thriller
Published: July 29, 2014
Pages: 352
The Carpenter Confessions Rating:★★★ ★
Good Girl by Mary Kubica is a thriller that will throw you for a loop. Filled with the unexpected, you are going to want to know all the details from the moment you read the first chapter.
Kidnapping/Thriller books are not always the most pleasant, but Good Girl will make this stereotype go out the window. The unpredictability of this book makes it that much more special. Mary Kubica portrays the reality of the fear of losing someone you love so much with the chance of never getting them back. There’s a hint of a love story within that makes you wonder how it will turn out. For a more light hearted Thriller, Good Girl is a perfect fit.
Good Girl is about a woman named Mia Dennet who gets kidnapped, on suspicion of ransom, due to her family being prominent in the community. Mia lives in Chicago as a high school art teacher who all at once disappeared without a trace. Having a rebellious past and a distant relationship with her family, it's hard to decide if Mia is on another rebellious streak or if something bad has actually happened. In the book, there are three perspectives told in first person. The first perspective is Mia’s mother, Eve Dennet, who stops at nothing to make sure her daughter is found alive. Second, the detective on the case, Gabe Hoffman. Like Eve, Gabe believes something bad has happened to Mia. He makes sure he gathers all the information, down to the littlest of things that one might believe is irrelevant. Lastly, Colin Thatcher, the kidnapper. Collin, getting stuck in a predicament that he never wanted to be in. He followed Mia for weeks, knows her routine down to what stores she shops at and when. While Mia is at her usual spot at the local bar, Collin gets Mia to go back to his apartment acting as if she will be at a one night stand. From there, he takes her to a secluded cabin in Minnesota to hopefully never be found again. Throughout the book, it goes in between before and after perspectives of all three characters.
Mary Kubica is excellent when it comes to making sure you know how everyone is feeling in moments of high emotion. She makes you feel scared for Mia, sad for those who love Mia because what if that was someone you loved, and the stress of someone's life being in your hands. I absolutely loved this book and will read it again and again. The book flowed through the characters and kept the story line intriguing all the way till the end. I also loved how she placed unexpected twists within the book that will make you feel so angry and confused.
The only reason I gave this book four stars instead of five was, I would have appreciated to know Mia’s perspective as well. It just felt like there was things missing and I wanted to know how Mia may have been feeling about the moments everyone else got to portray. Also, while I loved the book, I wish it was a little more on the thriller side of the genre because it didn’t feel very much like a kidnapping book. That being said, it is an amazing book that I would recommend to someone who wants a less scary kidnapping thriller or anyone for that matter.
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