Title: Lost Girls Of Paris
Author: Pam Jenoff
Genre: Historical Fiction
Date Published: January 29, 2019
Pages: 384
The Carpenter Confession Rating: ★★★★ (4 Stars)
Lost Girls Of Paris by Pam Jenoff is filled with adventure and the act of heroism during World War 2, that no one knew existed. It gives a sense of excitement with a side of fear because there is so much unknown, but that unknown is thrilling. This book makes you want to know more and more about what it’s like being a secret agent in times of a war. This book was a history lesson I didn’t know I needed.
Lost Girls Of Paris is a Historical Fiction based on women, who are undercover agents, during World War II. They get put out on mission with completely different names and no one knows where they went, almost as if they just disappeared. During World War 2, women being out in the field as undercover agents was unheard of. No one knew they were their spies, so it made for the perfect operation. This book is a third person narrative that follows on the journeys of Grace, Marie and Eleanor. Grace walks in Grand central station and finds a suitcase containing pictures of a woman in uniform, but has no clue who they might be. She then goes on a mission to find out who these women are. Marie is an English woman who gets recruited, due to her perfect French, to be an undercover agent in World War 2. She put her old life behind her and began her new life, which she put on the line, to help her country. Finally, Eleanor, the one who created these groups of women, as well as, the one in charge of the whole operation. It walks you through each girl's experience dealing with the SOE (Special Operations Executives), whether directly, like Marie and Eleanor, or indirectly like Grace.
If like me, you had no clue about women being secret agents, Pam Jenoff does an excellent job at giving you all the information and details you need to know about this secret operation. Pam Jenoff portrays the difficulties of life during World War 2, whether it may be being a wife of a soldier who died or was severely affected by the war. Being a soldier or agent themselves and the bravery that goes into it. As well as, being the one who is responsible for what happens to others. She does an impeccable job at letting you feel the emotions the characters are feeling. The worry, the excitement, the adrenaline rush, and so much more! She paints the picture of bravery and perseverance, wanting you to see the struggle woman had and how they were able to get past it. Lost Girls Of Paris has a hint of feminism/female empowerment and I personally really enjoyed that piece. It gives you the motivation and confidence to know you can do anything despite what is normal and/or difficult.
The only reason I gave this book a four star was because I personally didn’t like how it went from character to character. I felt I got lost on what was happening with the previous character because I may not have read their perspective for thirty plus pages. It felt jumbled and I wish it was more organized. That being said I still highly recommend reading this book because it really was educational and enjoyable.
Up Next: The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon. Review out March 6.