Title: The Bookish Life of Nina Hill
Author: Abbi Waxman
Genre: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
Published: July 9, 2019
Pages: 351
The Carpenter Confessions Rating:★★★★.5☆
I’ve never heard about Abbi Waxman before I read The Bookish Life of Nina Hill and I saw @meghan was reading it and thought I’d give it a try. I’m so glad I did because this book was amazing! Full of moments that are so relatable and times where you feel for the character. I really related to Nina and then I didn’t, which brings the uniqueness to the character at the same time making it relatable. I loved how it was a book about books because I’ve never read something like it before. Definitely worth the read and excited to read more of her books!
Abbi Waxman is an excellent writing and she makes you feel like you can be relatable to the character. The way she makes the story flow and how in depth she gets with her story, I’m never left wondering if the book will get better. I wish I would have found her sooner because if her other books are anything like The Bookish Life of Nina Hill than I’m sure I’ll fall in love with those too!
I gave this book four and a half stars only because I didn’t love how the book ended. I felt it kinda abruptly ended and didn’t finish how the story developed. This is more a presence rather than it not being a good ending. The rest of the book was absolutely wonderful and so glad I had the chance to read it. Would recommend this book to everyone!