Title: The Great Alone
Author: Kristin Hannah
Genre: Historical Fiction, Contemporary
Published: February 6, 2018
Pages: 435
The Carpenter Confessions Rating: ★★★★.75☆
The Great Alone is the second book I’ve read by Kristin Hannah and I absolutely fell in love with it. This book had so much emotion, I found myself crying for half the book. The content was so real and raw that you find yourself thinking about how hard life really can be, for both you and others.
The Great Alone took my emotions for a ride, which I’m finding Kristin Hannah books to do to you. I loved how the hardship in Lena’s life made her a better person and she grew with it. Alaska really was hard on Lena, but she found how to be a survivor and get through it. This book was written so well, I never found myself bored or disinterested. The love, the hate, and the courage in this book was really a big point and it is so relatable to what life can be, in some ways it didn’t feel like a fictional story, but something real. Also, after reading this book and The Simple Wild, I want to go to Alaska!!
I didn’t give this book a five star because I didn’t love the last part of the book. I felt like it didn’t flow as well, a little choppy, but that wasn’t a huge distraction from how amazing the rest of the book was.
I’m wanting to read more of her books, so if anyone has other ones by her that you’ve liked, let me know!