Title: The Sun Down Motel
Author: Simone St. James
Genre: Mystery Thriller
Published: February 18, 2020
Pages: 327
The Carpenter Confessions Rating: ★★★★☆
The secrets lurking in a rundown roadside motel ensnare a young women, just as they did her aunt thirty five years before, in the near atmospheric suspense novel from the national bestsellling and award winning author of the Briken Girls. Update NY, 1982. Every small town like Fell, NewYork, has a place like the Sun Down Motel. Some customers are from out of town, passing through on their way to someplace better. Some are locals, trying to hide their secrets. Vic Delaney works as the night clerk to pay for her move to New York City. But something isn’t right at the Sun Down, and before long, she’s determined to uncover all the secrets hidden...
The Sun Down Motel was definitely an interesting read. It was full of mysteries, murders, and suspense that made me really enjoy my first book by Simone St. James. Viv and Carly’s story was one that made me want to keep turning the page. Both so different yet so similar. With a motel that has some questionable things going on, people who you aren’t sure you can trust and theories about murders or disappearances that you want to solve. This story takes you between Viv at twenty and Carly at twenty, you see how a story that has been a mystery this long unfolds.
This story was one I really enjoyed, but was left wanting more at the end. There were pieces throughout that I felt didn’t add to the story or didn’t finish the point. The ending didn’t turn out the way I was expecting or wanting. The whole story was great until the last few chapters. It was a great story overall, that’s why I gave it a four star and can’t wait to read her other books.
Even though this book wasn’t the kind of thriller I always gravitate towards, I still would recommend it to anyone who do like thriller because everyone has their own taste within each genre. Anyone who like paranormal activity or horror aspects would like this as well.