Title: The Woman in the Window
Author: A.J. Finn
Genre: Mystery, Psychological Thriller
Published: January 2, 2018
Pages: 455
The Carpenter Confessions Rating: ★★★★☆
Thrillers are one of my favorite genres of books and finding thrillers that aren’t all the same can be a difficult thing. Reading The Woman in the Window, gave a new story that felt unique. Like most thrillers, this book had a lot of twists and turns, but the way everything played out was a complete surprise.
The Woman in the Window, was the first thriller I have read for a while and I really enjoyed it. All the surprises left you trying to figure out how the story was going to develop. The main character Anna, really struggles to figure out all the details. With her being a psychiatrist, she brings another perspective to the story because she tries to think in her doctor's mind, but she has agoraphobia that prevents her from being herself to the fullest. I really enjoyed that aspect of the book and the ending blew my mind. A.J. Finn did an amazing job at hiding who did it, how people play a part, and everything in between.
I gave this a four star because for me, I thought there could have been more suspense. It didn’t give a thriller feel until towards the end of the book. While there were parts that were mysterious, it didn’t carry all the way through the book. The ending made up for the rest of the book, I just wished it had more. Also, it did take me a while to really get into the book, however once I did I was hooked.