Title: Throne of Glass
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Genre: YA Fantasy
Published: August 7, 2012
Pages: 406
The Carpenter Confessions Rating: ★★★★★
For me, series are hard to come by. If series don’t become popular, I have a hard time trying to find ones I might like. I had a friend recommend Throne of Glass and once I started my Bookstagram, everyone seemed to love it too. I read the synopsis and instantly wanted to read it. I’m so glad I did because I fell in love with it!! Sarah J. Maas wrote such an amazing book filled with characters you fall in love with and the ones you despise. I can’t wait to read the rest of the series because if they are as good as the first one, I might have just found my new favorite series!
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas is about an eighteen year old assassin, Celaena Sardothien, who is stuck in prison due to the amount of people she has killed. She has become Endoviers most notorious assassin, therefore is chosen to compete to become the Kings Champion. Her opponents are other assassins and thieves, some who are just as skilled as she is. As champion, they will have to become the King's personal assassin and go on missions for him. Celaena made an agreement with the crowned Prince, Dorian, that after four years she is granted her freedom. Celaena starts to notice Dorians peeking interest in her and her training with Captain Westfall brings its own adventure. While at the castle, champions start to be murdered by what seems to be an unknown creature. Celaena goes on a mission to discover who or what is behind these murder all the while competing to be the Kings Champion. Will Caleana find the culprit of the murders and win the competition?
I absolutely loved this book and want to read more! I definitely have a book hangover and feel like I still have one. I don’t understand where this series has been and wished I found it sooner. It was written so well, I feel like I was in the book living all the horrors and the joy that the book brought. Also, the love triangle it brings is so enjoyable, it gives me Hunger Games vibes.
This is the first series I’ve read for a few years and glad Throne of Glass is the one I chose to read. Sarah J. Maas is an amazing author and I know she has more series than just this one and will be checking those out once I finish this series. I gave this book a five star because I honestly feel it deserved it.