Title: Truly Devious
Author: Maureen Johnson
Genre: YA Mystery, Thriller, Contemporary
Published: January 16, 2018
Pages: 416
The Carpenter Confessions Rating: ★★★★☆
I haven’t read very many young adult thrillers and to be honest, I was skeptical about Truly Devious because I didn’t want to be disappointed. I thought it wasn’t going to be as suspenseful and full of everything thrillers entail. I was wrong about all of it and I loved the story Truly Devious brought. Truly Devious is a story about the innocence teenagers bring to reality to show life isn't all peaches and cream.
This book caught me by surprise because I don’t read too many young adult books anymore and I don’t know which ones are good and which aren’t. I really liked how there were two different stories that were their own, but also correlated. The mystery of it all made the story that much better. You didn’t know details from either murder and you are left wondering if either will get solved. The story never got boring and you always were finding some kind of new information that helped bring you closer to the truth.
The only reason I didn’t give this story a five star was because I wished you knew more about the first story. I felt that part was left with so many unknowns, you weren’t sure what really happened. Also, with the present murder, I felt it lacked suspense and how it was solved wasn’t very surprising. I would have liked some more surprise and not something you could figure out on your own. That’s more of a preference thing though, not anything wrong with the book per say.
P.S. Thanks @themagicalreader for recommending this book to me, I can’t wait for the rest of the series.