Title: The Two Lives of Lydia Bird
Author: Josie Silver
Genre: Fiction, Contemporary, Romance
Published: March 03, 2020
Pages: 369
The Carpenter Confessions Rating: ★★★☆☆
Ever since I first saw The Two Lives of Lydia Bird, I was immediately intrigued. The synopsis grabbed my attention and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. It was filled with sadness of losing someone you loved and wishing you could see them once again, even if it was all a dream. The problem is, does having a dream of someone you lost make it easier or harder? With Lydia Bird going in between the two worlds, she has to find a balance between the life she’s living and the one where she sees the love of her life. The Two Lives of Lydia Bird gives me P.S. I Love You vibes with losing the love of your life and wanting to remember them as long as you can.
I gave this book three out of five starts because honestly I was a little disappointed. The story line was always on point, but I felt it got boring at times. It didn’t feel like it lasted on content, almost as if Silver didn’t know how to have a middle to her story. I didn’t feel like when Lydia was awake and dreaming it flowed between the two. It was very choppy and for a long time I wasn’t sure what the point to the story was, which got very frustrating. However, I did end up loving how it ended, although it was predictable. I did love how it went through the five stages of grief and showed how hard it can be to lose someone you really love. I would recommend this book because I can see where someone else might enjoy it better than I did.